Pacific Grove Residence

Residential Remodel

Photos by Chirs Gage
After (Click to Enlarge)


Residential Remodel BEFORE

The owners of a nondescript house (ca. 1950’s) in Pacific Grove, California, wanted a complete make-over. The new design had to comply with the city’s strict guidelines. The structural framing and foundation of the old house was kept but everything else was rebuilt. A new second story was added over the back of the house to provide a new master bedroom suite, an office, and balcony. Downstairs, the kitchen was relocated to open into the dining and living rooms; it was redesigned with new countertops, cabinets and appliances. Bathrooms were remodeled with new finishes, fixtures, and plumbing lines. New light fixtures were installed and the electrical wiring was replaced throughout. All of the doors were upgraded; all of the windows were replaced with double-hung wood units. The exterior walls were changed to plaster; the roof was changed to Spanish tile. Plaster walls with tile caps were added to the brick steps leading up to the new porch and trellis.

Architects: Thomas J. Carleton A.I.A. and Stephanie Espinoza
Structural Engineer: John McLucas Engineers
Contractor: Roux Construction

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